Meet the Team
A community of individuals who share one crucial bond:
striving to make lives better through travel.

BTG Director Jenny has been working closely with Vorovoro since 2009, when she first met this humble remote island community. She became inspired by their desire to shape a future for future generations amidst a rapidly changing world. They quickly became trusted friends, and in time, treasured family. It’s this sustaining connection and ongoing conversation with the Fijian community about their goals that has led to the dynamic and ethical partnership between BTG and Vorovoro today.

BTG Operations Andrew fell in love with Vorovoro when he visited in 2015 as an Auburn student. The close proximity with nature, the deep cultural immersion, the triumph of relationships over materialism, and the constant laughter made him never want to leave. Andrew has worked with BTG for the past 3 years as an intern, where he has been able to use his background in Mechanical Engineering to explore appropriate technologies. He is looking forward to returning to his Fijian friends.

BTG Marketing

Chief of Mali Tui Mali is the chief of Vorovoro and Mali Islands, which consist of 5 villages. He spent his life working on a ship, laying fiber optic cables that would eventually connect the world. When he retired, he assumed his role as Chief and returned to Vorovoro. His international travels have informed his decision to support and lead his tribe by focusing on creating ethical sources of income for the Mali people, while honoring and preserving the integrity of their Fijian identity.

VCC Operations Manager Wati is the niece of Tui Mali, and the Fijian counterpart of BTG director, Jenny. Like countless generations before her, she was born and raised on Vorovoro. Wati is involved in all aspects of managing and hosting groups on the island, and enjoys working with Jenny to develop cross cultural programming that allows guests to see and experience Fiji in authentic ways that few ever have the opportunity to do. Wati is also the proud mother to four children.

VCC Program Support Raijeli is Poasa and Francis' daughter and is a mother of one young boy. Her role with BTG is island program support. She always lends a hand wherever needed and can often be found helping her sister Wati with work behind the scenes. She also cooks and nannies on the island!

Head Chef Semisi is from Nakawaqa village, a neighboring island to Vorovoro in Mali. As head chef, he is the creator all all things delicious on the island and he loves to share and learn new recipes using fresh, local ingredients. Semisi is also singer, conductor, and bandsman extraordinaire and has been said to have the voice of an angel!

Team Leader Nemani has been helping to host groups on Vorovoro since 2007. His commitment to his Fijian heritage combined with his natural inclination to work hard, continue to learn, and be a team player has aided his growth into the dynamic leader he is today. He mentors new Fijian team members and also develops and facilitates cultural programming for visitors. When not on Vorovoro, you will find Nemani hard at work at his biggest passion: furthering the success of his family's farm.

Boat Captain Bogi is the eldest son of Poasa and Francis and has six children himself. He is another boat captain for BTG. He also serves as general team support for Team Fiji. When he's not on Vorovoro, he works security at a local lumber yard in Malau, which is about 20 minutes from Vorovoro by boat.

Boat Captain Api has been on and in the sea his entire life. Like many Fijian men, from a young age, he’s been responsible for providing food and income for his family through freediving and spearfishing. He feels most at home navigating the waves and currents of the open sea. Api lends an experienced hand with whatever projects are underway on the island, and can often be found keeping Fijians and visitors alike in stitches with his antics and humor.
Our Partners
Our work begins and ends with relationships. We strive to work with organizations that align with our mission to meet community development goals while maintaining the integrity of the tribe's heritage, island traditions, and the natural environment.

Celebrating completion of the Grand Bure.

Tui Mali in formal regalia

Celebrating completion of the Grand Bure.
The heart of Vorovoro Island!
We are proud to partner exclusively with the Mali people to help share their traditional lifestyle through experiential learning. We work "hand in hand" with the Vorovoro Cultural Centre to provide visitors a travel experience that ensures understanding, solidarity, and authenticity.
Vinaka Vakalevu, Auburn!
Under the direction of Kate Thornton, Auburn has sponsored eyeglass kits with training workshops, provided supplies for the local school, sponsored the construction of the Vorovoro Cultural Centre, provided internships for Fijian team members, and sponsored the construction of homestay lodging at Nemani's sugarcane farm. Thanks to AU's partnership and generosity, the people of Mali are better equipped to reach the goals they have for their community.

Auburn University students have studied abroad on Vorovoro since 2013.

Nemani teaches visitors how to plant coconut trees

We participated in a kava ceremony for the Grand Opening of the farm's infrastructure.

With funding from Auburn University, Nemani built a structure for visitors to stay and learn at his family farm.

Nemani teaches visitors how to plant coconut trees
Harvest sugarcane with Nemani.
Our Team Leader Nemani Baleinayaca is the lead man at his family's sugar cane farm. Nemani loves to share his passion for farming with visitors. With the new housing, kitchen, and toilets recently constructed, Nemani and his family now welcome visitors to come stay and learn on their land.
Fiji's first permaculture farm.
Island visitors can take an excursion to Cegu Valley Farm, located just 30 minutes inland. Owned and operated by the McCay family, the farm is a thriving example of sustainable farming practices. The McCays are passionate about sustainable farming, permaculture, beekeeping, animal husbandry and more. Every inch of their little piece of heaven has been built and designed by their own hands and sweat. You will be humbled and amazed at what can be done simply with the land around you. The McCays love to host guests for a day, a night, or even for an extended internship!

Cegu is renowned for their beekeeping. They are a major part of the movement to further sustainable beekeeping practices in the South Pacific.

Josh at Cegu loves showing off the lambs!

Several members of the Mali tribe have interned at Cegu.

Cegu is renowned for their beekeeping. They are a major part of the movement to further sustainable beekeeping practices in the South Pacific.

Learn from a local.
Get PADI certified off of Vorovoro's shore! Cakaulevu Reef is the 3rd longest barrier reef in the world and is 95% unexplored. Your instructor Leone Vokai grew up free diving this reef and knows it like most of us know our own backyards. He is passionate about reef health and conservation, educating his village community in how to protect their greatest resource. He leads by example, and believes we each have a responsibility to help preserve the reef for future generations.
Exemplifying the power of education.
WWF has worked with the Mali people for many years in an effort to combat issues of poaching and overfishing by encouraging Mali community members to adapt their fishing practices and diversify their income. Occasionally, a WWF representative visits Vorovoro Island to share his work with visitors and help them understand how they can help bring about change.